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How to Build Relationships With Clients

How to Build Relationships With Clients

Your clients are the most important part of your real estate business. Therefore, how to build relationships with clients should always be on your mind. Here are a few steps that you should be taking right now to improve your client relationships and expand your real estate busi…

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Why You Should Keep Current With Real Estate Continuing Education

Why You Should Keep Current With Real Estate Continuing Education

Think you know everything you’ll ever need to know as a real estate agent? Savvy agents know that the answer to that question is, and always will be, ‘No’. There’s always something new worth learning in real estate—new technology to learn about, new laws to navigate, new accredi…

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Effective Communication Tips for Working with Other Real Estate Agents

Effective Communication Tips for Working with Other Real Estate Agents

As a real estate agent, you will constantly be dealing with clients to get real estate deals closed so that you can get your commission. To gain new clients and close those deals however, you will have to compete with other real estate agents in your area. You must remember that…

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Getting Started With Real Estate Blogging

Getting Started With Real Estate Blogging

When you don’t know where to begin, starting a real estate blog can seem difficult. When you know what steps to take, however, you can seamlessly integrate real estate blogging into your regular routine. Here are the things that you need to know for successfully getting st…

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How to Earn More & Improve Your Real Estate Agent Salary

How to Earn More & Improve Your Real Estate Agent Salary

Unlike other professions, wherein your pay is completely controlled by the company that you work for, your real estate agent salary can be increased by your own actions. You just have to know what steps to take in order to make this happen. Here are the top ways that you can ear…

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How to Manage Cash Flow as a Real Estate Agent

For many real estate agents, the most difficult part of the job isn’t selling houses or finding new clients. Rather, it’s managing cash flow. Real estate is unlike nearly every other business in the world. As you know, there are no regular paychecks. There are only commissions. It can take a long time to receive your commis...Read more

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