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The Importance of Client Referrals in Real Estate

In any sales industry, referrals can either make or break a business. At the very minimum, a referral is a recommendation. However, when it is done properly, a referral represents high-quality leads that can be much easier to close. The following blog post explains a few of buy methandienone tablets the top benefits and the importance ...Read more

If You’re a Real Estate Agent, You Need Premier Commission

If you’re a real estate agent, there are not many better decisions you can make than applying for a commission advance with Premier Commission. While banks are reliable and can be trusted to pay once your commissions are in your account, real estate salesmanship is not like other jobs where you’re paid at the end of the week or at mont...Read more

How Quickly Can I Get My Real Estate Commission?

Real estate agents often work harder and longer hours than individuals in other occupations as they deal with fluctuating residential and commercial real estate markets.  They frequently work nights and weekends as required by their clients’ schedules.  Traveling to several locations is also part of the job requirement.  Weekend open h...Read more

Commercial vs. Residential Real Estate

Commercial real estate is all about generating income. Whether your client wants to sell or buy multiple family units, retail space or industrial property, he or she wants to generate income.  Residential real estate focuses on the individual living in the property. Thus, when a client is interested in buying or selling residential spa...Read more

Growing Your Business With Real Estate Networking

Since the housing market is far different today than it was during the days of the real estate boom, it has become essential for agents to understand how to grow their business. For those who watch television, listen to the radio, or see promotional ads to attract customers, you’re probably aware how saturated the real estate mar...Read more

Real Estate Marketing Tips for Beginners

There is no substitute for marketing – that, every businessman knows. For real estate agents, the pressure is even greater because all your earnings come from commissions which are only paid for completed sales. And you never complete sales if you don’t market. Yet marketing in itself can be quite challenging. For instance, if yo...Read more

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