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How Do You Become a Real Estate Agent?

While the distinctions vary from place to place, the question can be asked broadly – how do you become a real estate agent? It’s a great question and one that has a few general rules worth following. You will need to find out rules specific to your state and area, but here are some starting points to help answer the question, “Ho...Read more

5 Things That Can Slow the Process When Selling a House

People often think that real estate offers agents loads of money and that all agents are successful, while buyers always get their dream homes. But this is not always true; the real estate industry can be a very competitive industry and the competition is always fierce. There are many factors that can prevent real estate agents from re...Read more

Secrets of a Successful Real Estate Agent

Anyone can be a real estate agent, but not everyone can become a successful real estate agent. It goes beyond just being licensed or working with the best brokerage. Those who’ve been in the industry long enough attribute their success to a combination of tools, technologies, and tricks that they’ve learned over years of ha...Read more

5 Real Estate Marketing Tools You Should Use Today

Assuming that you already own a business website where you refer your clients for additional tips, guides, e-books, and other resourceful materials, what are some of the other innovative tools you should be looking to add to your locker in a bid to increase sales? Well, there are countless tools out there so it can be difficult to pinp...Read more

Becoming a Real Estate Agent: What You Should Know Before You Start

Commission Advance Services

With the real estate industry back on its feet, it’s a great opportunity to revive your career as a real estate agent. If you’re just coming out of college, there couldn’t be a better time to get licensed and get ready to earn your first commissions. So, how do you become a licensed real estate agent? Get prerequisite education Just li...Read more

How Quickly Can I Get My Real Estate Commission?

Middlgate Funding LLC

Real estate agents often work harder and longer hours than individuals in other occupations as they deal with fluctuating residential and commercial real estate markets.  They frequently work nights and weekends as required by their client’s schedules.  Traveling to several locations is also part of the job requirement.  Weekend open h...Read more

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