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The Guide to Quick Commission for Real Estate Agents and Brokers

Middlgate Funding LLC

Real estate agents and brokers work many hours for their commissions. It is incredible how much work has to be put in to make just one property sale. Not only is the competition fierce, but the real estate market is continuously changing and the effects of the recession make the jobs of real estate agents and brokers even more difficul...Read more

The Advantages of Commission Advances for Real Estate Agents

Home For Sale

The commission advance for real estate agents is a way to turn your pending commissions into real cash. Waiting for months to collect real estate commissions at closing involves a lot of strain on your resources. Commission advances for real estate agents were created  to bridge the gap between contract signings and closings and to all...Read more

Mann Report Features Premier Commission LLC

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We are back in the news once again thanks to the great team over at Mann Publications. Our real estate commission advance services have been creating quite the buzz thanks to our loyal customers who continue to spread the word. Read the article here: more

How Does a Real Estate Agent Get Paid?

How Agents Get Paid

People tend to associate real estate agents with huge commissions and a life full of luxuries and accomplishments. The fact is that real estate agents work incredibly long hours trying to accommodate both the needs of the buyers and sellers. They have a long list of responsibilities that clearly justifies their substantial commissions....Read more

4 Reasons Agents Use Commission Advance Services

Commission Advance Services

The whole purpose of commission advances is to allow agents to receive their commission any time after getting a signed contract without having to wait until closing, which can be up to 120 days away! Waiting for the commission has many obvious and concealed costs that agents and brokers today are no longer willing to pay. This is wher...Read more

The Types of Deals That Allow a Commission Advance on Real Estate Home Sales

Types of Deals That Qualify for a Commission Advance

A realtor commission advance helps agents and brokers in their efforts to succeed in the challenging real estate industry. It is not easy to maintain a healthy cash flow when there are significant gaps in receiving your real estate commission. That is the main reason why so many realtors choose commission advances to cover their busine...Read more

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