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5 Rookie Real Estate Agent Marketing Mistakes to Avoid

Most real estate agents know the basics of online marketing but even so, they may still have a hard time communicating with their audience. This is true even for experienced agents. The reason is mainly due to how quickly online marketing strategies can change. It is therefore important that you understand the basics of online marketing to improve your chances of success as a rookie real estate agent. Here is a look of some of the mistakes that you are most likely to make and ways that you can avoid them:

  1. Not Blogging
    Helpful, relevant blog posts can help you build relationships with clients and potential clients as you will be able to position yourself as an authority. You can also use your blog to drive traffic to your website. Many agents avoid blogging for fear of wasting their time trying to compete against the major real estate portals; these people may see blogs as obsolete for marketing purposes. However, blogging can still be effective despite the fact that blogs are no longer a novelty.
  2. Not Exhausting the Potential of Social Media
    This is a problem that you may think is limited to older, technophobic real estate agents but you would be wrong. A rookie real estate agent may also fall prey to this error. Not taking advantage of social media is a major mistake as it is very effective for showing homes to clients who would never have come across the location otherwise. As real estate agents, we are already heavily dependent smartphones, tablets and laptops for work so there is no reason that we should not take full advantage of the benefits provided by social media. For starters, work on making it easy for visitors to share your content and to follow you.
  3. Not Focusing on Function Over Form When It Comes to Your Website
    Your goal should always be on the quality of your content. Of course, this does not mean that you should neglect style; instead, you should try to have both. Provide visitors with information like home price comparisons in the neighborhood as well comparisons with national average home prices. Statistics, graphs and infographics can be used to simplify large amounts of complex data and enable easier comprehension.
  4. Having a Forgettable Website
    The idea is to have a website that your visitor will find so useful that they keep returning to it. As a rookie real estate agent, you can make a name for yourself by providing quality content in a niche area. Your website should be easy to use and provide high-resolution photos and videos as well as well-crafted descriptions.
  1. Not Posting Frequently Enough
    The key to building a strong following is to post quality content regularly. Have a posting routine so that you have fresh content up on at least a weekly basis. This will help your audience to remember you and will keep them subscribed to your site.

Note that even experienced real estate agents can be prone to the errors above. If you are presently making one or more of them, the key is to learn and move on. Mistakes are unavoidable for those new to the industry; there will be no limit to your potential for success once you know how to avoid the more serious ones.

To learn more about the rookie real estate agent mistakes you can be avoiding, contact us at Premier Commission today!

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