6 Tips For Writing a Real Estate Listing That Sells
Posted by Premier Commission on June 01, 2016 in Marketing Tips
Words are just as effective for selling a home as photos. The wording you use when writing a real estate listing can sell your property quickly, or put off potential buyers. Which words are right and which are wrong depends on your property’s location as well as the type of buyers you are trying to attract. The goal of a listing is always to get the buyer interested in the property but not provide so much information that they lose interest in seeing the property. In other words, always make them want to learn more.
Here are some tips for writing a real estate listing that will be effective:
- Get to the Point
Being concise is one of the key points whether you are writing a real estate listing or any other kind of copy. Lead with the selling price as this will get serious buyers interested right away. Along with the selling price and terms, include the home’s location at the start. The location should be included at the top since buyers often quickly read through listings for homes in particular areas. You will want to ensure that your wording is effective both for search engines and for human readers who are familiar with the area. This means using neighborhood nicknames in your listing in addition to the zip code. While you may be wary of mentioning the price right at the beginning, note that location and price are two of the most important factors for many buyers. Many use these factors to determine which houses they will look at.
- Be Truthful
Experienced buyers can be turned off by exaggerations and overstatements. Calling a room a bedroom when it cannot be considered one due to lack of an egress window is an example. Not mentioning major flaws is another way to put off buyers.
- Describe in Detail
You will need descriptive language to sell any home. Provide potential buyers with details about features. What kind of counter tops does the kitchen have? What kind of wood is used for the flooring? Avoid using vague words of praise and give buyers your main selling points.
- Keep the Type of Property in Mind
If the home that you are selling is a luxurious one, your buyers are more likely to be interested in its lifestyle features than in bedroom counts. In addition, the term “fixer-upper” may not be off-putting to first-time homebuyers, especially if the home is located in a good neighborhood; however, it should be used carefully. See below.
- Be Careful with the Term “Fixer-Upper”
It is best to play to a home’s good points rather than its negatives. If your home needs major repairs, market it to those who might be interested. The market for it can range from first-time homebuyers to investors looking for a property to flip. Highlight points like amenities in the area for a positive spin.
- Mention Upgrades
Homes that have been improved are especially attractive. Mentioning upgrades identifies areas that the prospective buyer will not have to spend money on. A home with a new roof is especially attractive as are new windows; however, any improvements that have been made should be mentioned.
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